Friday, April 9, 2010

Some cool stuff

I haven't got any pretty pictures of my own for you today (though I did have drinks and some fantastic nibbles at Zibibbo after work today and regretted not having the camera with me) so thought I'd show you some of the other blogs I like to look at pretty pictures on.

Not Quite Nigella lives in Sydney and writes loads of reviews as well as recipes and tons of stunning photos - I've been to a restaurant in Sydney based on one of her posts and she tried Denheath custard squares when she was in Christchurch based on my recommendation (my claim to fame!). I love reading her blog and she invariably makes me hungry!

Amy Atlas is definitely a site to visit if pretty pictures are your thing - she runs a business in New York creating the most amazing dessert tables for events, and pretty much every table I see instantly becomes my new favourite - she definitely appeals to my inner OCD, with every morsel perfectly placed!

Bakerella is amazingly creative and is the champion of cake pops, including the most romantic blog post I've ever seen. She has other awesome stuff, too, and is an advocate of my favourite application of cake scraps (or ruined cake).

And last but not least - well, most of the photos on Cakewrecks are significantly less pretty, but they are usually hilarious (and sometimes downright painful).

I hope that keeps you amused for a while - and tomorrow night is the cupcake bake-off, so stay tuned for a mass of cupcake photos (or, if you're in Wellington get your baking gear out and come along!).

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